Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Morning pillow talk...

'The thing about having God in my life is that I have come to face the fact that I am a screw up. I have come to accept that I am not the person I dreamed of being. But I have such a sense that God loves me anyway, unconditionally, that I can forgive myself and accept myself and even love myself and stop judging myself. It is a joyful way to live. What is ironic is that when I stop pretending to be something I am not, I come closer to being the something I dream of being.'


Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes. I, too, find that when I surrender to the struggle I find more of myself (and more of God) right here in my heart.

David Wilcox has a song called Burgundy Heart-Shaped Medallion that comes to mind:

If I had a spell of magic I would make this enchantment for you -
A burgundy heart-shaped medallion
With a window for you to look through.
So that when all the mirrors are angry with your faults and all you must do,
You could peek through that heart-shaped medallion
And see you
From my point of view.

May we all see ourselves through a God's eye view.

Rachel Nguyen said...

I'll have to check that song out, Story! Thanks for stopping by.