Sunday, June 04, 2006

Pentecost, 2006

In which our heroine finds herself baptised with her children, confirmed as a member of the Episcopal church, nearly drops her drawers and comes face to face with His Majesty: Christ, the King.

The kids and I got baptised in the midst of the coming together of two parishes. The service started at Church of the Messiah, with the readings and the homily and the deconsecration. Then, the whole service moved to Grace, with their entire congregation coming over. They processed, with the Bishop of Rhode Island and the priests of both churches down the center aisle: 4 crosses, dove kites on long sticks, the choir singing, and the children of Grace waving their own dove kites. It was spectacular.

At the last minute, Bob, my rector, came over and asked me if I would like to be confirmed along with the conditional baptism. Apparently he had discussed it with the Bishop and they agreed it was appropriate. I was a bit taken aback, to be honest, but God works in such ways, so I readily agreed, especially when I found out it meant that the Bishop would lay hands on me. (I am a sucker for that. It's the whole apostolic succession thing...) So, this morning, I became a confirmed member of the Episcopal Church. (I guess I have to change my profile! LOL) I had my wonderful sponsors with me: Fr. P and Adrienne and Anne. It felt like a spiritual union of sorts. I was humbled to have them stand up for me and welcome me into the Body of Christ.

Bob also asked us to carry the wine and the host forward during the service, so Noah, Emmett and I brought them up front and gave them to the acolyte. For some bizarre reason, I had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction. I was wearing a pair of underpants that were too loose and they threatened to fall off completely as I was walking down the aisle. Luckily I was wearing a long skirt and could kind of hike them up. Does stuff like that happen to anyone else? For the first time in my life, I was grateful I didn't have skinny legs!

The baptism was wonderful and I was deeply moved when it was my kids' turn. They answered their questions and had water poured on their heads. Bishop Wolfe made the sign of the cross on their foreheads in oil. In the car on the way home, Noah said "Wow, I really do feel brand new!"

And yeah, the Big Guy showed up. As I was praying after taking communion, I had a picture in my mind of Jesus standing before me. I imagined myself falling to the ground to worship at his feet. Then he bent over and grabbed me by the shoulder.

"Get up, woman" he said. "We have work to do..."

He didn't seem thrown by the underpants issue at all.

And so it is.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.



Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Yep, the underwear incident happened to me. In church.

"Get up, woman, we have work to do!"

Wow! :-D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Welcome!

Mary Beth

Rachel Nguyen said...

I guess it served me right for wearing underwear with a worn out waistband.

And what about that Jesus?! No mincing words with him. I can hardly wait to find out what he has in store for me now!

Thanks for stopping by you guys. Happy Pentecost to all...

Emily said...


What a way to enter a new part of your life with Christ!


John Michael Keba said...

"... Let no one imagine that baptism consists only in the forgiveness of sins and in the grace of adoption. Our baptism is not like the baptism of John, which conferred only the forgiveness of sins. We know perfectly well that baptism, besides washing away our sins and bringing us the gift of the Holy Spirit, is a symbol of the sufferings of Christ. This is why Paul exclaims: Do you not know that when we were baptized into Christ Jesus we were, by that very action, sharing in his death? By baptism we went with him into the tomb. - from the Jerusalem Catecheses

Welcome, Rachel: now get to work! :-)

Ruth said...

You're a Rhody?

Rachel Nguyen said...

Born and raised! You?

Ruth said...

I've spent a little time in "Little Rest"