Friday, January 05, 2007

Day 4 Sugar free

Part of my new 'clean living' regimen is that I am not eating any sugar. This is not such a huge deal for me. I gave it up for about 5 years at one point. But this last year has been one long sugar binge that has left me somewhat slightly dazed. And let me tell you, detox is a bitch. I spent the morning nauseated and the afternoon starving. And no. I am not pregnant, LOL.

Ok. So although this isn't going to become diet blog, I do want to say that other than the physical withdrawal symptoms, I am doing pretty well. I already feel more energy and am pretty sure I am starting to drop a couple pounds. I won't know that for sure until tomorrow because the battery in my scale pooped out after the second day of my new program. Is that a hint, God? Are you suggesting I stay away from obsessively weighing myself 63 times a day? I'll try.

By the way, for those of you who are just dying to know: South Beach.

I know, I know. Those of you have never had a real eating issue will be saying: Just cut down. Just exercise. Just moderate. Just whatever. But I know that for me, structure of some kind is absolutely critical or this Capricorn girl goes haywire. This one seems reasonable: complex carbs, healthy fats, veggies, fruits, lean meats, beans... it seems like something I can live with.

Which is the whole point, isn't it?

1 comment:

Judy Vaughan-Sterling said...

You go, girl!

I lasted on the South Beach diet for an amazing 19 hours! Can't do without that pasta! And it doesn't help that I don't like meat ...

Have a happy, healthy New Year!
