Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Grateful place

So why, on this dreary, rainy, New England day am I all cheerful and happy? Why, after a terrible night sleep am I feeling so perky? Because I reread my journal last night and I can't help grinning from ear to ear when I go back and actually see in black and white just how cool God has been to me.

I started my journal the day I got baptised... although the early entries are on the computer. About 3 or 4 months later I got a leather bound notebook for Christmas and started writing in that instead.

It is a gas to go back and read it. Oddly, it feels like it all has happened so long ago. Amazing to think it is only a couple of years.

It strikes me that some of it is like poetry. Some of it is actually very beautiful. And lots of it is embarassingly schmaltzy and would mortify me if anyone ever read it. (I told my husband he can read it when I die, LOL!)

But oh, God's grace abounds. God's love is so apparent in retrospect. I love that I can begin to see patterns weaving in and out of my daily life. I love that I can observe God at his holy work. It makes me grateful.

I am the Lover
And You are the Beloved.


Jennifer Garrison Brownell said...

Hey Rachel,
I've been reading but not commmenting for the last week or so, but wanted to let you know that you and your knee have been in my prayers.
RE the MRI thing - I can totally relate, having had my first this summer. There's lots in my life that's easier and better since I started praying more, but making it thru an MRI without a prayer practice is actually something I cannot imagine.
Many blessings on the path to healing,

Rachel Nguyen said...

Thank you, Jennifer.

Blessing back at you!
