Sunday, June 02, 2013

Corpus Christi

On Saturday I went to St. Catherine's and we celebrated the feast of Corpus Christi.  It is the celebration of the Eucharist.  I told Nguyen that the homily was the best I have yet heard at St. C's.  Nguyen laughed and said that I say that every week.

Perhaps.  This time, however, it might just be true.

Fr. Friedrichs was somehow able to capture the awe inspiring mystery, the great blessing, the incredible gift that the Eucharist is for us.  Christ gives himself to us with nothing held back.  It is almost more than we can bear to think of.  More than we can fathom.

I sat and wept through the whole homily.

I am just over a month in as a Catholic and I can tell you, it still amazes me that I can take communion in the Catholic Church.  Every day I think "Oh, good!  I get to go to church tomorrow!"  And every day I go to church and nearly have to pinch myself because I can't believe it is true.

It was the Eucharist that called me to Catholicism.  It was the deep mystery of Christ's presence that beckoned.  And as Fr. Friederichs says, I am unable to wrap my head around the stunning truth that Christ gives himself to us so completely.

Nothing held back.

Lord, sweet, sweet Christ. Jesus.  I pray that I, too, will hold nothing back from you.  I pray that I will give everything to you.  I thank you for the glorious gift you have given us in the Eucharist.

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